So vegans are coming to the cookout? I've got you covered!
Cookout season is officially upon us now that the summer solstice is behind us. For many thi...
In the past few years, the eco-tourism movement has taken off – meaning that it’s easier than ever to research the environmental impact of staying at your i...
Aa you may or may not know I transitioned to a 100% vegan diet (with no exceptions) approximately 9 months ago. Thanks to this change, I've had the opportunity...
In honor of Earth Day (4/22), I published a fabulous sustainable fashion blog post, was featured on, posted to social media and binged watched t...
If you are signed up to the Conscious & Chic Fix you know that we are currently doing a deep dive into non-toxic beauty just in time for spring cleaning. F...
New favorite skincare regimen alert! Osea Malibu is a skincare brand based in California. They craft a wide variety of skincare and bo...
I've been eating a plant-based vegan diet for approximately seven months now and I am always looking for new recipes and flavor profiles to experiment with....
The use of honey goes back centuries. For generations, people have been using the golden elixir because of its sweet taste and many health benefits. In anci...
I am obsessed with my natural hair! It is thick, dark, bold but also low porosity and lives on the dryer side of the track. I embrace these challenges as a part...